I planted a vege garden at my girlfriend’s parents’ farm the other day.

In a few months the seeds we put in the ground will grow into delicious organic veges.

That’s all that most people will see – the end result.

They won’t see the months of watering and weeding and checking up.

They won’t see the digging and planting.

They definitely won’t see the soil preparation – the time spent shovelling horse poo and hay and mixing it into the earth with a garden fork.

No. They will just see the vegetables, freshly picked from the garden.

The thing is, you don’t get vegetables without:

  • Preparing the soil
  • Planting the seeds
  • Creating the right conditions for the seeds to grow

The same is true of being in business.

We want results. We want the fresh garden salad. But we don’t want to shovel horse poo and hay.

I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of scattering seeds, crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.

But if you want a good vegetable harvest, you’ve got to start with your soil.

If you want to have success in business, you’ve got to start with your foundations.

I believe every business is built on a story.

I’m not alone in this. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos all put storytelling at the centre of their businesses.

Your story is your soil.

You know seeds don’t grow into large, colourful, nutritious vegetables without high quality soil.

So why do you keep trying to grow your business without a high quality brand story?

Without a crystal clear brand story, your marketing falls flat.

It fails to flourish and connect with your ideal customers.

Your sales stagnate.

Your team isn’t as invested in the business as they could be.

You don’t have the clarity around who you serve and how you serve them.

You lack confidence in who you are and why you do what you do.

You’re trying to grow a vegetable garden without nurturing your soil.

You’re trying to build your business without the essential ingredients.

Now is a great time to change that.

It’s time to grab a shovel and start laying your foundations.

Get in touch today to talk about crafting your brand story and creating the right foundations for your business to grow. Brand Story Blueprint helps small business to craft their story, clarify their messaging and convert more customers.