Who do you serve?

When I first started in business, I made the common mistake of trying to serve “everyone”.

But, as Seth Godin says, everyone is not your customer.

It can be scary for small business owners to focus on a ‘target’ customer.

It seems safer to cast the net as wide as possible, right?

That might work for deep sea trawlers, but it very rarely works for small businesses.

Because if you don’t know who you serve and you don’t know who you’re speaking to…

… you end up serving no one and your messaging falls on deaf ears.

When you get really clear on who you serve, your messaging naturally becomes clearer, too.

And when your messaging is clear, your ideal customers start leaning in and paying attention.

And when your ideal customers start paying attention, you’ll naturally convince more of them to take action.

That’s why the first (and arguably most important) step in my Brand Story Blueprint is: CUSTOMER.

Because when you know who you serve, the rest of your brand story falls into place around them.